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(POST COPY): You took the leap to go to school and persevered. What’s your next big step going to be?
(POST COPY): #MakeAFriendDay is the perfect way to start networking with your alumni community. Fill in the blanks below and read the comments to find a new Phoenix pal!
(POST COPY): PhoenixLink™ career services platform can help you get the career edge.
Just ask Sonya S. (BS/Management, ’19, HR Management Certificate ’18) who worked with Career Coach Heather Livingston on her job search. She said, “I really appreciate you taking the time to help me organize and simplify my resume.”
(POST COPY): The countdown is on to the New Year! Did you make this past year count? Comment how in four words below.

(POST COPY): The holidays are about making memories with friends and family – and that includes our Phoenixes. How will you create special moments this season?

(POST COPY): We’re one million strong and full of Phoenix pride! Alumnus Zachary H. says, “I chose University of Phoenix because it gave me the opportunity to invest in myself.” What are you most proud of?

It’s #NationalComplimentDay. Don’t know where to start? Just take a screenshot from our compliment generator and send it to others.

(POST COPY): Dominica native Mavelyne M. was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that has, at times, left her partially paralyzed. Despite this challenge, she completed one degree, is currently pursuing an MBA and has high hopes for the future. She’s currently establishing a non-profit organization to support people whose lives have been impacted by her condition. She says, “I want to show others in similar situations that nothing in life should keep you from going after what you want. Thank you UOPX for helping me to achieve my dreams and providing me with the necessary accommodations. Yet still I rise.” Mavelyne says #BlackHistoryMonth offers an opportunity to reflect upon sacrifices made by her ancestors and the successes they achieved through grit and determination. How do you keep pursuing your dreams in the face of obstacles?

(POST COPY): Alumni Chapter groups are a great way to network with your fellow Phoenixes! Find a Facebook group – and some friends – by clicking on the link below.
(LINK): https://www.phoenix.edu/alumni/get-involved/chapters.html

(POST COPY): You’ll never call it a piece of paper. Show some #WeRise pride and add your photo in the frame below.

(POST COPY): There’s a kernel of truth to personalities and flavors being related. On #NationalPopcornDay, which flavor are you? Tell us in the comments below.
Sweet & Salty (Kettle Corn)
Rich & Sharp (Cheddar Cheese Corn)
Ooey & Gooey (Caramel Corn)
Spicy & Luscious

(POST COPY): Drop in your recliner and shop your heart out at our online marketplace where you can earn cash back automatically on hundreds of products! Just sign in using Chrome or FireFox, then scroll to the bottom of any page to see the browser extension ad and link to install it.
(LINK): https://secure.extensiondownload.com/